一家以新創概念開啟豪華娛樂家具的 70 年老品牌,旗下作品皆由傳統匠師的手工藝,刻劃頂尖設計師的現代設計巧思,呈現令人驚豔的視覺美學。VISMARA 以娛樂家具的新定義向市場宣示著,業界最高品質、最佳設計創意,以及最高藝術含量的娛樂性家具領導品牌。
Thanks to its luxurious and innovative products, as the fruit of expert architects and designers’ experience and passion, Vismara is a well-known brand both in Europe and all over the world. The brand has been able to merge the most authentic Italian manufacturing tradition with a modern and innovative spirit.