自 1968 年品牌創建以來,SANGIACOMO 以其廣泛而多元的產品系列著稱,50 多年來在 Piovesana 家族帶領下,以市場獨到的敏銳度和對設計美學熱情的投注,打造了最完善的家具系統平台,這份企業 DNA 同樣反映在 MESON’S 品牌中,使其表達出新世代廚具的多元風格。
Sangiacomo was born in 1968 in Brugnera and in 1987 cooperate with Meson’s kitchens, a historical brand founded in 1963. The continuous attention to the development of markets, the careful research of quality aesthetic and functional, always give an added value to the products Sangiacomo able to differentiate themselves from the competition.